Monday, April 10, 2023



by Jennifer Wilck




GENRE:  Contemporary Romance






Caleb Zeno, a wealthy and successful media mogul, refuses to allow emotions into any aspect of his life, especially his entertainment corporation. When his company’s lifestyle website runs into competition from a small boutique company, the most logical solution is to buy out his rival.


Fiona Hamilton’s lifestyle website succeeds due to her loving and caring treatment of her clients, who have become like family to her. She has no desire to sell to anyone, much less a tattooed, muscled, automaton.


At odds professionally, Caleb and Fiona come together as a favor for Caleb’s sister. Sparks fly and sexual chemistry abounds. But Caleb can't let go of his abusive past and be the man Fiona needs, and she is unwilling to risk independence and financial security for anything less than a perfect happily ever after. Can they put their differences aside to find a viral kind of love?




He rubbed sweaty palms against his jean-clad thighs before ringing Fiona’s doorbell. Of all the favors his sister asked of him this was, by far, the most ridiculous. And he would have said no if he could. But he never could, and here he was. When Fiona opened the door, he reminded himself he never let others see his emotions.


“I told you casual.”


She frowned. “I see we’re starting off on the right foot again.”


His heart rate increased, and he cursed to himself. “Hello,” he said.


“A little better. Hello to you, too. And this is casual. We’re going for Thai food.”


“No, we’re not. You should change.”


She scanned his body, and he suppressed the urge to fidget. When she folded her arms, he resisted staring at her breasts. Well, maybe a glance or two...


“I’m not doing anything or going anywhere until you tell me what the plan is. This ‘do this, wear that’ might work for others, but not me.”


Why was he such a beast around her? He stuffed his hands in his pockets. “You’re right, sor—” Noise from inside her apartment distracted him. “Am I interrupting something?”


She paused and then understanding dawned. “No, the racket is my TV. You might as well come inside. Seems like we’re going to be a while.”


She led him into her living room. Two walls were painted red, the other two a warm cream. Colorful modern art hung on the walls, multi-colored blankets draped a sofa, chair, and ottoman, and plants covered most surfaces. Some Spanish language program played on the television.


“You speak Spanish?” he asked.


He pointed to the TV, and she shrugged. “I love telenovelas. They’re so dramatic and filled with emotion. Even without the subtitles turned on, I can understand what they mean.”


She might not need to understand Spanish to understand the program, but he needed a Fiona translator to understand her.


“Now, tell me where we’re going so I can decide what to wear, since you seem to have a problem with this,” she said.


“We’re going clamming. And you need to wear...clothes for clamming.”


Her beauty captivated him. Shaking his head, he refocused on his task. This was a favor for his sister. Her beauty was irrelevant.


“We’re going clamming?”


Why did she repeat everything he said and was this alarming trait a habit? And did she expect him to answer her every single time?


She said, “You said seafood.”


This he could handle. “Clams come from the sea. Seafood.”


“What am I supposed to wear clamming?”


Why did women everywhere ask men this question? He’d said casual clothes. He wore jeans and a shirt. How difficult was this? He looked at himself and spread his arms.


Caleb & Fiona

These two were so very different in so many ways. From their jobs/company's to how they express their emotions. He doesn't show his feelings and she just lets it all out. I thought these two were perfect for one another. Opposites definitely attract in this story. This was a delightful and enjoyable story. 

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Jennifer started telling herself stories as a little girl when she couldn’t fall asleep at night. Pretty soon, her head was filled with these stories and the characters that populated them. Even as an adult, she thinks about the characters and stories at night before she falls asleep or walking the dog. Eventually, she started writing them down. Her favorite stories to write are those with smart, sassy, independent heroines; handsome, strong and slightly vulnerable heroes; and her stories always end with happily ever after.


In the real world, she’s the mother of two amazing daughters and wife of one of the smartest men she knows. She believes humor is the only way to get through the day and does not believe in sharing her chocolate.


Jennifer Wilck is an award-winning contemporary romance author for readers who are passionate about love, laughter, and happily ever after. Known for writing both Jewish and non-Jewish romances, her books feature damaged heroes, sassy and independent heroines, witty banter and hot chemistry. Jennifer’s ability to transport the reader into the scene, create characters the reader will fall in love with, and evoke a roller coaster of emotions, will hook you from the first page. You can find her books at all major online retailers in a variety of formats.










Jennifer Wick will award a randomly drawn winner a $15 Amazon/BN GC. 


Enter to win a $15 Amazon/BN GC – a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Prophetic Dreams

by Alfreða Jonsdottir




GENRE: Fantasy






Gudrun Osvifsdottir, Prophetic Dreams' willful protagonist, is not only renowned for her beauty and intelligence, she is also thought to be the best catch in the district. Headstrong and spoiled by her adoring parents, she yearns for female friendship. Growing up on a tenth-century farm in an isolated region in Iceland, she cannot understand why the few girls living in her district have persistently avoided her. On the other hand, all eligible males compete for her recognition. Basking under their high-spirited attentiveness, she soon convinces herself the only reason she is ignored by her peers is because they are jealous of all the attention bestowed on her by the male population. This protective shield may guard her growing ego, but it soon sets her further apart from the other females that live in her area.


Pagan Icelanders believed dreams foretold the future. Haunted by nightmares, her parents enlist the nation's most famous seer to translate them for her. A melodramatic young girl, her emotions are soon stirred into a frenzy by his interpretation.


As foreshadowed, tragedies do occur. One death is even rumoured to be the result of black magic. Later, a misunderstanding and silent accusations create a slow pyroclastic flow of vengeance. Will the stakes be too high for our protagonist? Will she lose the one man she admires and respects more than any other?




Suddenly, they hear voices approaching and before they know it, they hear Gestur talking just outside the cloth flap used as a door for the booth. Gudrun quickly removed her hand from his. As if caught red-handed, Thord immediately stood up as if to leave. The two men meet at the entrance, but before saying anything, he turns to Gudrun with a wry smile, then quickly bids them both a good night. Gudrun is crestfallen, thinking she has broached this subject too late in the evening. I have failed. Why was I so slow? Now he will not go through with it. She felt such disappointment, for she now knew that this was the man she wanted to marry, wanted to spend her life with. Aud does not deserve him.


Gestur looked as if puzzled over his swift exit but says nothing.


The next morning, Thord arrived at the usual time and said he would escort her to the day of divorces as planned so she could witness her kinsman, Snorri the Law-speaker, at work. He looked terrible. Once in the fresh morning air, Gudrun asked if he was okay. “I did not sleep well. I sat up and drank most of the night with a friend.” Gudrun remained silent as they searched for a free stone to sit upon. As she sat down, he whispered into her ear, “I’m sorry, Gudrun. I fear I am too much of a coward to do as you wish but I, too, do wish we were together.” She remained silent and stared straight ahead. “Please be patient. We can wait until next year. I must speak with Aud first.”


That final comment prompted Gudrun to turn her head. She looked directly at him with her steely blue eyes. Then, she replied under her breath, “You have broken my heart, Thord.” Her words were laced with anger and regret. “I am not sure if I can face life without you by my side to share my prosperity. Soon I will know just how wealthy I will become. This is your last chance, for I will go home a broken, dejected woman.” Then she pointed her finger in his face and said, “I will not wait for you, that I promise.”


Thord stood up without looking back at Gudrun as he disappeared into the crowd. My threat must have been the last straw. I have pushed him too hard; he has left me for good. Just as well!



So if you love a good fantasy this is the book for you. I felt the author did an amazing job with providing a glossary of sorts. It definitely helps understand the story if you didn't know the language. However, you have to go back and forth to understand the story. This made is a little boring at times. All in all a great story. I really enjpyed it!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Alfreda’s ancestry is 100% Icelandic. A resident of Calgary, she has one son who is married and two granddaughters. As an amma, Alfreda says her granddaughters are her biggest incentive to write. She grew up in Lundar, an Icelandic community in the Interlake area of Manitoba. Her pioneer ancestors were drawn to the area for its free land and ample fishing opportunities.


To date, Alfreda has written three novels: Melkorka, The Thrall Princessa’s Saga, published in June 2019, The Viking Queen’s Legacy, released in November 2020 and in November 2022 Prophetic Dreams: A Curse or a Legacy. Icelandic sagas were and continue to be her inspiration for writing. Laxdæla saga is her favorite, as it focuses on three empowered women who lived during the 9th to the mid 11th C, and whose lives were honoured through the telling of their stories: Auður Ketilsdóttir set in the 9th C was an original settler, the Irish slave Melkorka set in the 10th C, and Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir set in the late 10th to the mid 11th C whose exploits begin to unravel Auður's dynastic dreams. Each woman is a different character, each story is unique, yet their stories remain as relevant today as they were 1000 years ago. From a female perspective not normally told, together they complete a tapestry of the Viking Age. The attacks and pillaging are still there but they are not the main focus. A common thread runs through each tale, a family connection, that weaves their stories together. Motivated to retell their adventures, Alfreda began writing fictionalized versions. Primarily to introduce these women to her granddaughters, but also to anyone with an interest in Icelandic culture. She writes under the pseudonym Alfreða Jonsdottir.




 Alfreða Jonsdottir will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Enter to win a $10 Amazon/BN GC - a Rafflecopter giveaeway

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Alexa Sullivan will be awarding a $50 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Ro Baird can't cast a spell without setting her own pants on fire—until she kisses her hot new boss, Alex. Suddenly, she's able to access her magic…sort of…and she now has a familiar, who may be more trouble than she is helpful.

Alex Kouris happens to be a soul-stealing demigod of the Underworld. He claims he's trying to leave the life, but can she really trust a man whose magical talents are manipulation and charm? When Alex enlists a shady ex to help him, Ro must risk her heart and her life to save him and humanity from Hades’s evil scheme.

Can she harness her true power to set Alex and herself free?

Read an Excerpt

I kicked off my Monday by setting my pants on fire.


Honestly, I don’t know what I was thinking when I tried the spell. I’d just gotten to work, and instead of doing what I was paid to do—work—I stood at my window, staring down at the brick-and-steel towers of various offices stacked like dominoes along the tidy grid of downtown Portland’s streets.

Warm September sun glinted off windows and shone across the small city park a block from the Ainsley Barfield office.

I stood there daydreaming for several minutes before stuffing my long, wavy, brown hair into a messy bun. Reluctantly, I sat and tugged at the fraying cuff of my thin cardigan before logging in.

Maybe my lack of coffee led to my poor judgment. After all, I’d only had a few sips when I searched the website for the National Association of Witches, NAW for short, and located a basic email organization spell. That really was the title. Basic Email Organization Spell.

I opened the PDF, mouthed the words a few times, and frowned at the diagrams before moving my right hand across my computer screen three times.

As I uttered the last line of the spell, heat seared my right leg. I gasped and shoved my chair back. A neon-blue flame danced on my shin, licking at the black rayon fabric of my pants—the ones I’d bought on sale only yesterday.

I yanked open the bottom drawer of my desk. Grabbing my spray bottle of holy water, I squirted my leg three times.

With a small hiss and a puff of noxious smoke, the flame winked out.

This was a well balanced story. It had some amazing and interesting characters. I loved the authors word-building and how well I enjoyed this one. It had the right balance of romance and paranormal. A great story and I look forward to reading more from the author. A must read!

About the Author:

Alexa Sullivan writes humorous, contemporary paranormal romance. She imagines a world where the mundane meets magic -- and where vampires, werewolves and witches have normal jobs. Oh, and there are cats, too. She sets all her books in the beautiful state of Oregon. When not writing, she can be found walking her cat on a leash, hanging out with her husband, and watching far too much Bravo reality TV.


Barnes and Noble


The Forever Heart

by Diana Bolianaz




GENRE:   Literary Fiction/Romance/






Liza is a beautiful nineteen-year-old girl who comes from a strict Mennonite background. She lives at home with her mother, brother and domineering father. When Liza meets Melvin, a handsome young Black journalist, they fall madly in love. She has to keep the relationship a secret from her family because she knows her father would never approve. When Liza becomes pregnant, her world is turned upside down.




Liza’s mom was a fanatic about cleaning. Obsessive, you might say. Everything had to be “just so.” Liza thought her mom went overboard most of the time. Her mom was fifty now and seemed to be getting pickier the older she got. Helga had short, curly, greyish-white hair. She was about five-feet-two inches tall and squarely built. She came from a German Mennonite background, just like Klaus. She was an excellent cook and loved to bake. Liza loved her mother’s cooking. Helga always stocked the freezer full of food and lots of baking. Her favourite trick around Christmas time was to put all the baking in special containers in the big freezer in the basement and label it “liver” so no one would find and eat the delicious treats she hid so cleverly. Or at least she thought she did. Everyone knew her little tricks, and soon the “liver” started to disappear. Liza blamed the disappearance on her brother, and her brother blamed it on her. They were careful not to leave any trails of crumbs anywhere. When Helga would find the empty containers, she would just sigh and bake some more. Liza went into the kitchen, picked up her purse and keys, and said, “Mom, can I use the car for a couple of hours? I want to go and meet Sarah at the mall.”


Sarah was Liza’s best friend and had been since kindergarten. “What about dinner? It’s almost ready.”


“I’ll grab something at the mall.”


“Fine, dear, just be home by nine.”


“Thanks, Mom! See you later.”


Of course, she wasn’t meeting Sarah. She couldn’t tell her mom that she had to go shopping for an outfit to wear for her hot date on Saturday night. Liza never had trouble finding clothes or spending money, and this day was no exception. In only a few hours, Liza managed to buy a sweater set, a pair of capri pants (even though it was the end of spring and not super warm out yet), and strappy sandals to die for—not Manolo Blahniks, but they were hot, and more in line with Liza’s budget. Helga was already looking out the window to see if Liza was nearing home when she pulled up in the driveway. Helga looked at her watch. It was 8:55. She waited for Liza as she came through the back door. “Liza, I was beginning to worry.”


“I’m okay, Mom. Just shopping. And you know what girls are like when they get shopping!”



This story was an eye opener. It has racial issues as well as religious issues that this young couple must have to overcome. What an amazing story. These two were just so amazing together despite what they have to go through. Well written and enjoyable!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Diana graduated from the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Education. She is currently working as a high school substitute teacher, affectionately known to her students as "Miss. B."

Diana's greatest joy is spending time with her family. She loves country music (especially the old stuff), champagne and Nanny's perogies. With help from above, she will venture to make some soon.


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Diana Bolianaz will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC, to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.


Enter to win a $10 Amazon/BN GC - a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, March 28, 2023



by Marilyn Baron



GENRE:  Cozy Mystery






Hadley Evans Ferrari, art detective in Florence, Italy, is on the scent of a forgotten Fragonard painting at a villa in Rome when she stumbles across a treasure trove of stolen Nazi artwork—from Hermann Göring’s personal World War II stash. When she and the palazzo’s interior decorator are held hostage by the head of a secret Nazi organization and required, in a race against time, to appraise all the artwork in the house for private sale, she fears they will never escape with their lives. Can her sexy carabinieri husband Luca Ferrari and the police department’s Art Squad get there in time to come storming in and “save the day” before the villa’s evil Count “ties up loose ends”?




Alessandra opened the door. The women froze, speechless, when they came face-to-face with two men who were dressed like…Nazis, complete with party uniforms and gear, including cap, blouse, breeches, badges, patches, insignia, leather belts, boots, and armbands. If this was a joke, it was a bad one, thought Hadley.


“Fräulein Montenegro?” one of the men asked.


“Y-yes.” Alessandra stepped forward.


“And who might this be?” he asked, indicating Hadley.


“N-no one. A friend. We’ve come by—I’ve come by—to look over the interior. I’ve been hired by Herr Muller to redecorate the palazzo.”


“It is Herr Muller who sent us to check up on you.”


“Check up?”


“He recalled that when he met you here last week, you took some pictures of some of the interior rooms and the artwork hanging on the walls. That was unfortunate.”


“The artwork is no longer here, as you can see.”


“We are aware of that. We need to see your cell phone.”


“Do you have some form of identification?”


“I assure you we are legitimate.” He extended his hand. “Your cell phone…?” he demanded.


“This is private property. I am not in the habit of…”


Suddenly, a loud slap resounded as the officer backhanded Alessandra across her face. She cried out and held her hand over her stinging, swollen cheek. The man grabbed Alessandra’s purse, shook out the contents on a side table, and confiscated the phone. So, no joke. These men were deadly serious.





I will not lie this is my first story from this author and I thought it was brilliant. There is a great deal about artwork in this story and it makes you appreciate art even more. You can also sense a little evil throughout the story. I thought this story was well written with some pretty amazing characters. A hit for me!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Marilyn Baron writes in a variety of genres from women’s fiction to historical romantic thrillers and romantic suspense to paranormal/fantasy and cozy mysteries. She’s received writing awards in Single Title, Suspense Romance, Novel with Strong Romantic Elements and Paranormal/Fantasy Romance. She was also The Finalist in the 2017 Georgia Author of the Year Awards (GAYA) in the Romance Category for her novel, Stumble Stones, and The Finalist for the 2018 GAYA Awards in the Romance category for her novel, The Alibi. Her latest novel, which was released March 22, 2023, her 29th work of fiction, is The Case of the Forgotten Fragonard. A public relations consultant in Atlanta, Marilyn is past chair and current member of Roswell Reads and serves on the Atlanta Authors Series Committee. To find out more about what Marilyn writes, visit her website at:


Preferred Website:



Instagram: Marilyn Baron (@marilyn.baron.5)

Personal Facebook Page:

Author Facebook Page:

Amazon Author Page:






The author will award a $25 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner.  Please use the following code in your post.

Enter to win a $25 Amazon/BN GC – a Rafflecopter giveaway


From Under a Rock

by Tam MacPhee




GENRE: Memoir, Non-fiction






In this compelling memoir, author Tam MacPhee bares her soul and shares her deepest memories. As a little girl she battles through abuse, with her innocence betrayed by the males closest to her. Becoming a single parent at the age of eighteen, she is determined to work hard to create a better future for herself and her child.


Soon after turning nineteen, she meets a man whom she believed to be the man of her dreams. But she had no idea that the toughest lessons in her life were still to be learned. Secrets are revealed and a piece of her heart is broken off forever.


Realizing she deserves more, Tam finds her path set out by the universe that brings her love and success. But the journey also includes a new heartbreaking diagnosis and many challenges. Join Tam as she recounts her story, sharing her experiences and life's lessons.





Taken From Chapter 4


Nothing made sense. Why were we even alive? I remember him always grabbing us, and us trying to pull away. This went on for years. It was gradual at first. He had always talked about inappropriate things, but as each year passed his behaviour worsened. He has such a sick mind. I’m sure Mom was mortified asking herself what she had got herself into.


I know my mom wanted to kill him every day; but like us she was scared it would backfire and he’d kill us. The torment my poor mother had to live with, for at least fourteen to fifteen years. Of watching her babies being abused.


My older sister Bev was seven years older than me. My brother was eight years older. My brother graduated high school under these circumstances, but he stayed. I don’t think he could leave Mom to do all the work herself. He had been blood worming for years and continued to do that while living with us.


My oldest sister Bev was an amazing student. A’s all the way. She was brilliant, but she was forced to quit in Grade 12 because she was pregnant. She was seventeen when she started Grade 12 in September and turned eighteen in November. She wasn’t allowed to go back to school after Christmas Break. So how does a girl who isn’t allowed to go anywhere but school get pregnant? I guess she could have become pregnant at school in a closet. Trust me, that would have been better than the darker side of what really happened.



This is Tam's story and boy was it incredible. I will say she really gets right into her life and goes very personal. It was raw and very emotional. Such a heartwarming story. She really touches you in so many ways. I loved this one. A must read!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Tam MacPhee invites readers into her life and shares her journey in her first book, From Under a Rock. With her strong desire to help others, and possessing a jump-in-with-both-feet-and-get things-done energy, her determination prevails. She is a Mother Earth spiritual soul, grateful for nature and all the elements. Born in Nova Scotia, Canada, she is a loving mother and grandmother. Tam resides in Springdale, overlooking the lake in her self designed dream home.




Tammacphee | Facebook


Tam MacPhee | Instagram


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The author will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. 

Enter to win a $10 Amazon/BN GC -a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, March 26, 2023


When Time Stands Still

by Diane Martin




GENRE: Children's fantasy/mystery






Three siblings, Megan, Nicholas, and Brooke, think they are going on an uneventful family vacation. They couldn't be more wrong! They find themselves investigating the mysterious disappearance, many years ago, of their great-great-uncle Jack.


After being spirited away to a foreign land, the siblings wonder if they will ever solve the case, let alone get home again. Back at camp, where time stands still, their baby brother Tanner just might have found the missing piece that unlocks an old family mystery.


“When Time Stands Still” became an Best Seller reaching #1 on the Mysteries & Detective Stories for children chart (December 2022).





It’s one of the best times of the year! Days of sunshine and freedom await. School was finally out, and the summer holidays were begging for a bit of adventure and lazy days. Every year for Megan, Nicholas, Brooke, and Tanner, their escapades and respite took place while camping at Rainbow Falls with their parents for a couple of weeks. It was a long drive there, about four hours; however, the kids didn’t mind because they always had such a great time there. Mom’s family has been travelling to this particular site for many generations, and the kids could understand why! There was so much to explore. Their special camping place was a semi-secluded location set in the mountains with an abundance of colourful wildflowers and a wide variety of wildlife. But before they could go, there was much to be done. “Brooke, that’s mine!” Megan snapped, snatching the little photo book from her younger sister’s petite hands and causing a photograph to fall out. Anger was starting to bubble inside Megan, and her deep blue eyes seemed to turn almost black. Her tanned skin transformed to a rosy red as she closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and continued to pack, praying Brooke would go away.



The story revolves around siblings, Megan, Nicholas, Brooke, and Tanner who can’t wait to go camping with their mom and dad. They were delayed a few times and they got on one another's nerves. Then there mom tells them the story/mystery of their Uncle Jack's disappearance. 

I really liked the story. I felt it a bit long at times, yet I did like the bickering and the way the kids handle the trip. The story was interesting and very detailed. A good one!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Diane Martin currently lives in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, Fab, along with two of their children, Brooke and Tanner. They have two Yorkie-poos named Cups and Chewie as well. Megan and Nicholas are all grown up and currently live in Alberta, Canada. The series Medallion Mysteries was born out of Diane's love for reading stories to her children when they were young. She also enjoys a great mystery! Her children were the inspiration for writing and they appear in the series.


Diane hopes her writing will encourage all children to use their imaginations and create their own stories!










Diane Martin will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

Enter to win a $10 Amazon/BN GC - a Rafflecopter giveaway