Monday, March 9, 2020

Finding Jackson

by Anne Holster




GENRE: New Adult Romance 






It's 1977 - Star Wars is breaking records at the box office, Bruce Springsteen's Born to Run tour is taking the country by storm, and born-and-bred Jersey girl Annalise Keller has fallen in love for the first and last time. Hot and charismatic with dreams of making it as a rock star, Keith "Ace" Foxx is everything a teenage girl dreams of. He falls as hard for Anna as she does for him and the two decide to run off to California in search of his big break. Fate has other plans though, and several years and three kids later, Ace has traded in his guitar for a job at the local post office and Anna has become a symbol of all he has given up. Ace spends most nights at the local bar, trying to drink away his anger and resentment.


Flash forward a decade, and their youngest child, Jackson, is headed nowhere fast. In a life filled with meaningless jobs and too much partying, music is his only true escape from the pain of a childhood that abruptly ended one rainy night. The accident had destroyed his family and left him with a slew of unanswered questions.


Everything changes the night Jackson meets Leah. Shy and reserved, she doesn't smoke and barely drinks; she certainly doesn't put out. Not exactly the girl from the Bon Jovi videos he watched as a kid. Yet, before he knows it, she has become his world.


Then, just when it looks like his dreams might come true, betrayal and loss once again threaten everything he holds dear. As Jackson struggles to keep his world from spinning out of control, he knows one thing for sure, the choices he makes now will either be the start of a whole new life, or it just might be the end of him.



It was Halloween the first time I laid eyes on him. I’ll never forget it because Halloween had always been my favorite holiday, maybe because for some reason I was allowed to run wild. Things I’d never get away with were suddenly okay to do on Halloween. For instance, staying out after dark or eating candy before dinner, dressing inappropriately, and by inappropriately, I mean going out without a coat when the weather dipped below fifty degrees. Things you think are cool when you’re ten years old, which was how old I was that year. Most people may not clearly remember their tenth Halloween, but I do and with very good reason, because it was the day I fell in love. You might think it crazy for a fifth grader to arrive home after a night of trick-or-treating and announce that she’s in love and you probably wouldn’t be the only one, but that’s exactly what I did – and I was totally serious.


It was dusk, and the air was electric with excitement. It had been a lucrative afternoon and my three friends and I had split up just long enough to empty our bags of candy, grab something to eat, then regroup in an hour to hit the other side of town. Not wanting to waste any time I decided to cut through the woods by my house, something I didn’t usually do with darkness approaching. It was a fateful decision that would end up altering the course of my life.


In this YA Romance you get Leah & Jackson... These two are so in love with one another but they have such different backgrounds.
When these two head off into different directions their endures the separation and new start in their lives. However, when they both start heading down their own paths with Jackson joining an up and coming band and Leah getting into the whole college scene can they survive it all?

I really enjoyed Leah & Jackson's story. From how they are different yet have their love holds their common interest. To the test of them going off to leading new lives that are also completely different from one another and how they endure it all. It was nice to see them grow as a couple but also into their own personalities was so very enjoyable. An amazing story!

AUTHOR Bio and Links:


Anne Holster resides in Northern New Jersey with her husband and two children. When she's not writing she enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis and reading angsty romance novels. She is currently working on her fourth book.



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  1. Thank you for hosting my tour! I'll be stopping by throughout the day to answer any questions!

  2. Thank you for stopping by again, James! Always glad to hear from you!

  3. Sounds like a book I will enjoy reading.

    1. Thank you Rita! I'm glad you were able to stop by!

  4. Replies
    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the review, Glenda! Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Sounds like my kind of book, thanks for sharing your review!

    1. Great to hear, Victoria! Thank you for stopping by!

  6. How many books have you written so far?

  7. 'Finding Jackson' is my third novel, Bernie! Thanks for stopping by!

  8. Do you have any ideas for a follow up?
